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17th March 2022

InBio awarded Innovate UK funding to expand scope of COVID-19 T cell immunity test.

Cardiff-based biotech company, InBio, has been awarded funding from Innovate UK to further develop and expand the scope of their rapid T cell immunity test for COVID-19.

In 2020, InBio began the development of a novel, rapid, whole blood test that could measure SARS-CoV-2 specific T cell responses in people who had been naturally infected by the virus. The test, funded by Innovate UK, was accurate and reliable. On the back of this success, InBio was awarded a second Innovate UK grant to analyse immune responses generated by COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as variants such as Delta and Omicron. InBio is measuring these T cell responses in healthy donors, as well as in immunocompromised individuals, deemed to be clinically vulnerable and most at risk from severe COVID-19 disease. Research Made Real!

This test will be widely available to variety of end users, including researchers, clinicians, and government bodies. If you would like to know more or are interested in working with InBio, please get in touch with Ross@Indoorbiotech.co.uk.