Mediwales Events


We support over 180 members from the medical technology, diagnostic and pharmaceutical industries, NHS health boards, university departments and professional services and suppliers.

We create collaboration through our publications and popular programme of events that focus on strategic issues for the life science industry, including regulatory updates, market access, finance and funding, clinical unmet needs, international trade and a range of special interest groups.

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Special Interest Groups

When engaging with our members, we discovered a crossover of concerns and opinions. 
This led us to launch a number of specific special interest groups, to bring together individuals with a shared interest in advancing a particular area of life science in Wales. We arrange meetings to build collaborations and support for funding bids, establish solutions, aid business development and move forward new ideas.

MedTech & Diagnostics

MedTech & Diagnostics

This group was set up to explore factors affecting medical technology and diagnostics companies in Wales. The group discusses areas such as access to medical technologies, clinical innovation, working in partnership with the NHS, NHS staff training, regulatory and procurement updates, credentialing and export and international trade.

LifeScience Academy

LifeScience Academy

The LifeScience Academy Special Interest Group was created to support and develop our Academy activity. The meetings bring together key industry and academic stakeholders to address which areas should be a focus for future events and engagement activity. The groups discusses key issues around student placements, recruitment, training and skills.

Natural Compounds

Natural Compounds

MediWales launched the Natural Compounds Special Interest Group in 2016 alongside its collaborative partners. This UK wide forum is used to discuss and support the development and commercialisation of natural products for health, wellbeing and disease management. The group share advice on developing routes to market, managing regulatory requirements, achieving relevant product certifications and running clinical trials.



The BioPharma group was formed to bring together members involved in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals to collaborate and represent a global force to meet the needs of their international customers from ‘molecule to market’. The Special Interest Group represents an integrated and streamlined service, saving customers time and money whilst delivering the highest quality of service through a network of trusted partners. The group’s aim is to extend each organisation’s visibility on the world stage through promotion at international events.

Digital Health

Digital Health

With the increasing developments in Digital Health and growing numbers of members working within this area, this SIG was set up to bring these stakeholders together, along with the NHS community. With Digital Health companies crossing over between MedTech & Diagnostics and Healthcare, it was important to set up this group to address their unique challenges in this ever-evolving sector.

North Wales

North Wales

This group is vital in connecting and uniting the views of our members in North Wales and the surrounding areas. This groups brings them together to discuss their unique challenges and develop opportunities for collaboration. It also bridges the gap between South and North Wales and allows sharing of news and best practice.

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