After the success of inaugural congress held on 21st -22nd February 2018, MarketsandMarkets is organising 2nd annual MarketsandMarkets Infectious Diseases Diagnostic Conference to be held on 28th February – 1st March 2019 in Central London, UK
According to the World Health Organization, 17 million deaths are caused each year by infectious diseases, accounting for nearly 30% of the annual mortality rate worldwide.
Lower respiratory tract infections, HIV/AIDS, gastro-intestinal diseases, malaria and tuberculosis are together responsible for nearly one-third of all deaths. Various technological developments and advancements in vitro diagnostics have led to a new variety of diagnostic tests, allowing patients to access novel treatments earlier.
This conference aims to bring different stakeholders together from hospitals, laboratories, academic institutes and IVD industry leaders to discuss about the emerging technologies and potential growth of molecular diagnostics and challenges faced in point-of-care testing and antimicrobial resistance. Keynote presentations, Brainstorming Panel Discussions and Case studies will give the stakeholders an opportunity to discuss and understand the issues faced.
Discussion on the treatment and diagnosis of fungal infection, flu, Hepatitis C | Antibiotic Resistance: Consequences of overtreating infectious disease | Talks on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) diagnostic | Rapid TB/Ref R testing | The clinical need for better antimicrobial resistance related diagnostics | Treatments of MDR gram negative bacteria | Time required to diagnosis vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE)
From Hospitals, Reference Laboratories, Research Institutes and Academics
Directors, head of laboratory, Lab Managers, Deputy Lab Managers, Chief/Head Biomedical Scientist, Laboratory Technician, Professors, Associate Professors, Research Fellow, POCT lead, Consultant Microbiologist, Nurses, Professors, Clinical Services.
Pathology | Molecular pathology | Biochemistry/ Clinical biochemistry | Microbiology/ Clinical Microbiology | Molecular Biology | Virology | Infectious diseases | Point of care testing | Infection Control
Why attend?
Find out new developments and emerging methods of diagnostics for infectious disease | Contribute to interactive roundtables with your peers to deliberate key topics most relevant to you | Explore the latest platforms and technologies on the market for development | Discuss the best tool for your research in pathology | Share your work and achievements with your industry peers in the Poster Session
To choose your plan head over to the event website: