Bridging Innovation in Health and Life Sciences between Wales and the South West of England.
Following on from the success of previous BioWales events in Oxford and London, MediWales will be holding a BioWales goes West event on the 23rd January 2025. This event will focus on exploring the existing and potential new collaborations between Wales and the South West.
BioWales goes West is being held in collaboration with Medilink South West and Future Space. The day will feature a range of sessions on key topics, including:
- Funding across Wales and the South West
- Support available for start-ups
- Investor relations
- Business showcases
- Clinical access and research opportunities
- Manufacturing capabilities
Interested in attending BioWales Goes West? Register now.
Draft Programme
8:30am Registrations open
9.30am Welcome presentations
Future Space – Matt Freeman, Centre Director
Medilink South West – Richard Luxton, Chair
MediWales – Gwyn Tudor, CEO
Digital Health and Care Wales – Rachael Powell, Associate Director of Information, Intelligence and Research
North Bristol NHS Trust – Sanjoy Shah, Deputy Chief Medical Officer
South West of England Company Showcase
Derma Biosciences
Welsh Company Showcase
Corryn Biotech
Argonaute RNA
Exhibition Space
Science Creates – Francis Lister, Partnerships Manager
Lightning talks from Health and Life Science businesses
Welsh Government – Mike Emery, Head of Innovation and Digital
Inward Investment: Inter-regional collaborations and innovation
West of England Combined Authority – Dagmar Steffens, Head of Innovation and Inward Investment
Welsh Government – Julie Russell, Business Development Manager
Panel discussions
Development Bank of Wales
BroadOak – Pete Corish, Vice President of Business Development – Europe
QantX – Harry Alexander, Investment Manager
THENA Capital – Saran Davies, Healthtech VC Investor
Foresight Group – Olly Cox, Senior Investment Manager – Private Equity
Maven Capital Partners – Melanie Goward, Partner
Chair: Abel + Imray – Emily Dodgson, Partner and UK & European Patent Attorney
4:30pm Networking and Close
There is also an opportunity to participate in tours of UWE’s University Enterprise Zone after the event close. This includes Future Space, Health Tech Hub and Bristol Robotics Lab. Please contact us here if you are interested in participating in a tour of UWE’s University Enterprise Zone.
BioWales goes West is free for all Future Space tenants, MediWales and Medilink South West members to attend.
To register for the event, please click here.
If you would like to join us as a non-member, find out more or get involved in the event programme, please contact us here.