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Swiss-Welsh Life Science Dialogue: Future Collaboration Opportunities

28.06.2023 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

The Embassy of Switzerland and the Swiss Business HUB UK & Ireland are holding a Panel Discussion and Business Networking Event at Cardiff Castle on Wednesday 28th June in collaboration with Welsh Government and MediWales.

Switzerland is home to a globally unique Life Science cluster. In addition to chemical and pharmaceutical firms, this encompasses a dense network of medtech, biotech and nanotech companies. Thanks to leading universities, research-based pharmaceutical companies and the availability of high-quality scientists, the Swiss Life Science industry is among the most innovative and productive worldwide. The Welsh Life Science industry currently employs more than 12,000 people in over 360 companies with an approximate turnover of £2bn. Wales has world-leading academic expertise and a central Life Science Hub, which catalyses innovation and collaboration between industry, health, social care and academia.

After a first successful Swiss-Welsh Life Science Dialogue in June 2022, this follow-up event will allow participants to exchange on challenges that the sector is facing in both countries and learn from each other. It will be an opportunity to identify areas for future cooperation and share good practices in access to talent, R&D and financing. The evening will conclude with a networking reception with Swiss wines and canapés.

To find out more, or to register your interest in the event, please contact Ella here.


6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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