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Wales Festival of Innovation: Soapbox Science

06.06.2015 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Swansea will be hosting their second Soapbox Science event on Saturday 6th June 2015. The soapboxes will be positioned overlooking the magnificent expanse of Swansea Bay next to the 360 Beach and Watersports centre and café. The Bay will be buzzing with cyclists, joggers, dog walkers, and families out for a walk – Soapbox Science aim to stop them in their tracks with women at the forefront of science and technology from all over Wales talking about their research! The event’s mission is to raise the profile of women in STEM subjects. If you’d like to see what Soapbox Science looks like in action, have a look at the Soapbox Science 2012 video

This is a free public engagement event with 16 female speakers at the forefront of science and technology in Wales engaging with the audience about their research.

Area of innovation being demonstrated
Wide range of Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine subjects will be covered.

Who should attend?
All welcome, from young to old, for all levels of knowledge. The event is accessible to anyone, irrespective of education or financial means.

Benefits of attending?
Bringing science to the streets through low key, informal interactions with researchers at the forefront of STEM in Wales; highly enjoyable, informative event highlighting the work of women in STEM; changing views on career opportunities in STEM, especially for girls.


  • Prof Karen Holford (@karenholford), Cardiff University “Engineered structures for future societal needs”
  • Dr Laura Wilkinson (@LLWSwansea), Swansea University “Why do I always have room for dessert? How the variety effect shapes our everyday decisions about meals and snacks.”
  • Miss Jessica Fletcher (@ScienceSheWrote), Bangor University “Super Yeast! – Beer, Bread and Better Health”
  • Dr Elaine Crooks, Swansea University “How to get the best out of your image: feature extraction and image processing”
  • Dr Sarah Dalesman (@Snail_memory), Aberystwyth University “Are snails intelligent?”
  • Dr Emilia Urbanek (@urbanek78), Swansea University “Soil carbon – we can’t afford to lose it”
  • Dr Alison Paul, Cardiff University “Targeted delivery of anti-cancer drugs”
  • Dr Cecile Charbonneau (@info_specific), Swansea University “New manufacturing techniques and innovative low-cost materials for the fabrication of photovoltaic devices“
  • Ms Anna Beres, Bangor University “How speakers of two languages, such as Welsh and English, can best use their bilingual brains to learn new information”
  • Dr Anna Seager (@AnnaLSeager), Swansea University “Poisons, toxins, danger – we are constantly bombarded by potential toxins in our everyday lives, in the world around us. How do we stay alive?!”
  • Dr Carrie Lear (@CarolineLear), Cardiff University “The chemistry of fossil shells shows that the Antarctic ice sheet melted when climate warmed in the past”
  • Dr Monika Seisenberger (@M_Seisenberger), Swansea University “Correctness of Programs: Verification of Railway Control Systems”
  • Dr Rebecca Price-Davies (@rpricedavies), Cardiff University “How intravenous nutrition works: a lifeline for people who can’t eat food ”
  • Dr Carole Llewellyn (@EnAlgae_NWE), Swansea University “Exploring the wonders of microalgae to tackle global societal challenges”
  • Dr Tina Joshi (@tinaljoshi), Cardiff University “Microwaving superbugs – transforming point-of-care diagnostics”
  • Dr Karin Ennser (@karin_box), Swansea University “Applied photonics in our life”

View more and register here

Event details


12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Category:


360 Beach and Watersports Cafe
Mumbles Road
Swansea, SA2 0AY United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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