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3rd October 2022

Faster costing for commercial research in the UK

Costing commercial research in the UK

The way commercial research is costed and negotiated in Wales and across the UK is changing to improve consistency and reduce unnecessary delays to study set-up through a process known as national contract value review (NCVR).

What is national contract value review?

Currently most NHS organisations in the UK taking part in a commercial clinical trial negotiates separately with the commercial sponsor to determine the resource and cost required to deliver that study in the UK.

NCVR is a new, standardised approach to costing commercial contract research that is being introduced across NHS sites in Wales, as well as the rest of the UK, to speed up commercial study set-up times and make the UK a more attractive place to undertake research studies, ensuring patients have rapid access to cutting edge treatments.

The NCVR process builds on what has been achieved with the UK commercial Costing Template (NIHR interactive Costing Tool – iCT), to create a single contract value review with an assigned national coordinator for each commercial contract study within the UK.

Benefits of the national contract value review

By streamlining the negotiation process, the NCVR aims to make study set-up more straight forward by:

  • A new, standardised, national approach to costing for commercial contract research improving consistency in study set-up and making it easier to conduct research.
  • A transparent ‘no surprises’ approach to contract value negotiations between commercial research sponsors and  participating NHS organisations.
  • Using local expertise in the form of a peer group to make sure the process works for all in defining and allocating resource and procedure/investigation requirements for study delivery.
  • Simplifying the cost negotiations thus improving the study set-up process which will speed up access to new treatments and support patients to receive the best care.

When is NCVR being implemented?

From 1 October 2022 all new commercial research proposals submitted for a study resource review will undergo a review by the lead site. Following this review eligible studies will enter into the NCVR process.

Eligible studies are all those commercial studies which will be conducted in acute, specialist and mental health trusts, with the exception of phase I – IIa and advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMP) studies. Primary Care settings are not included at this stage.

The UK National NCVR Contract Value Review coordinators will carry out the review.

Detailed operational/technical information on stage one of NCVR Implementation including detailed requirements for NHS study site.

Where can I get more information and support with the NCVR process in Wales?

In Wales, NCVR is being delivered by Health and Care Research Wales in partnership with the NHS organisations across Wales.

For more information and support please email the Health and Care Research Wales support and delivery service.

While the processes will be aligned across Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland there will be some slight differences to how the programme will be introduced within each nation. More information can be found on each nation’s website:

NHS England

NHS Research Scotland

Health and social care research in Northern Ireland