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1st November 2024

HEIW launches belong, thrive, stay national retention hub

Staff retention is essential to sustaining and growing our NHS workforce to meet the increasing and evolving demands on healthcare services. In recent years, NHS staff have been leaving at an accelerated rate due to a range of factors including staff experience, pay, and terms and conditions. Poor retention impacts not only service delivery but also compromises the quality and safety of care, reduces staff wellbeing, and leads to increased financial burdens from constant recruitment and temporary staffing. Additionally, it undermines the value of investments made in education and training.

To effectively address these retention challenges, a system-wide approach is necessary, with everyone across NHS Wales playing a role in fostering work environments and cultures that encourage staff to belong, thrive, and stay. The Belong, Thrive, Stay National Retention Programme was established to support organisations in Wales by delivering targeted, evidence-based interventions that lead to measurable improvements in staff retention. By enhancing staff experience and promoting compassionate leadership, we aim to create workplaces that offer a sense of belonging and opportunities for staff to thrive and remain in their roles.

To assist organisations and colleagues across Wales in achieving these goals, HEIW has launched the Belong, Thrive, Stay Hub. This hub provides access to a wide range of toolkits, resources, quality improvement guides, case studies, and data dashboards designed to support local retention efforts. It also serves as a platform to share good practices and successful initiatives, ensuring that these can be scaled to improve staff experience, retention, and workforce sustainability across Wales.

As we continue on our retention journey, the hub will evolve to reflect our ongoing challenges and successes. Together, we can make a difference improving staff retention!

Access the National Retention Hub