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29th November 2022

Infuse – Innovative Future Services Programme

Infuse are offering an opportunity for a small team of social care and health practitioners or managers to work with the Infuse programme on one of the current key complex challenges. Within Infuse Cohort Three, which runs from 17th January 2023 to July 2023, we are going to facilitate a specific Social Care and Health team around the challenge of attracting and retaining great people.  Facilitated by the Senior Programme Manager at Infuse, Charlotte Waite, who brings years of experience delivering innovation in the sector. Your organisation has up to five free spaces on the programme, your investment of time will be multiplied considerably by our talented inter-disciplinary team from Nesta and Cardiff University.  The commitment is one day per week over a six month period, to work collaboratively on the challenge, creating real world solutions to apply in your local context.

You can see some examples of what has been achieved previously by other sector practitioners here.  We are aware that great work is already happening in this space, we have reached out to organisations with a national strategic focus, Social Care Wales as an example.

Recruitment for Infuse Cohort Three is open until Friday 2nd December, please could I ask you to cascade this opportunity to your colleagues and encourage them to apply here.